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version 1.23.1
##光暈戰記【光與影的棋局】 末世之後,曙光消逝,終焉必臨。 在【大浩劫】後,你是選擇效忠守護日光的哈斯卡帝國,還是加入對抗強權的天影十字軍,抑或者不仰賴任何人的庇護,成為孤身一人的賞金傭兵? 無論如何,答案只有你自己知道……..
# 光暈戰記【光與影的棋局】 末世之後,曙光消逝,終焉必臨。 在【大浩劫】後,你是選擇效忠守護日光的哈斯卡帝國,還是加入對抗強權的天影十字軍,抑或者不仰賴任何人的庇護,成為孤身一人的賞金傭兵? 無論如何,答案只有你自己知道........ ## 關於作者的資訊 舊名【寒風】,風暴盟主。 曾製作過【怨靈悲歌】,【鋼鐵龍爪】,【天使行動】三部同世界觀的作品。 自舊光暈關閉後,原先設計的一切故事劇情也跟著消逝於過去的時光。 不過,多虧了CG,現在有了新的機會重新開始,因此我打算重製整個系列,也請各位玩家多多指教了。 ## 全系列製作打算 天影系列【怨靈悲歌】 目前無重製該系列打算,若想了解風暴小隊的過去,請點下方連結。 影片紀錄:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhm3ZAcaIO7zSWHXPh15YR0faHhoHh1vW      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gzPbYQ9rc4&list=LL&index=200 (感謝【次元大介】和【唯一】錄製) ----------------------------------------------------------- 天影系列【鋼鐵龍爪】 必定重製,並更名為【龍爪之影】,龜速更新中...... ----------------------------------------------------------- 皇家系列【天使行動】 必定重製,龜速更新中......
# Changelog (DSADADAD) ## [v1.21.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.21.0) (2024-06-11) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.20.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.20.0) (2024-05-05) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.19.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.19.0) (2024-03-24) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.18.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.18.0) (2024-02-12) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.17.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.17.0) (2023-08-27) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.16.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.16.0) (2023-08-27) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.15.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.15.0) (2023-06-16) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.14.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.14.0) (2023-02-12) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.13.1](/view/DSADADAD/1.13.1) (2023-01-15) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.13.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.13.0) (2023-01-15) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.12.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.12.0) (2022-12-11) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.11.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.11.0) (2022-10-29) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.10.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.10.0) (2022-08-22) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.9.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.9.0) (2022-06-03) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.8.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.8.0) (2022-03-29) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.7.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.7.0) (2022-02-16) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.6.1](/view/DSADADAD/1.6.1) (2022-01-17) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.6.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.6.0) (2022-01-02) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.5.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.5.0) (2021-12-18) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.4.1](/view/DSADADAD/1.4.1) (2021-10-16) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.4.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.4.0) (2021-10-12) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.3.4](/view/DSADADAD/1.3.4) (2021-09-04) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.3.3](/view/DSADADAD/1.3.3) (2021-09-01) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.3.2](/view/DSADADAD/1.3.2) (2021-09-01) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.3.1](/view/DSADADAD/1.3.1) (2021-08-30) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.3.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.3.0) (2021-08-29) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.2.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.2.0) (2021-08-14) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.1.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.1.0) (2021-07-25) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.0.1](/view/DSADADAD/1.0.1) (2021-07-07) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## [v1.0.0](/view/DSADADAD/1.0.0) (2021-07-05) #### Added - new features added #### Changed - what were changed #### Fixed bugs: - bugs that are fixed ## Authors **[Ausitn.Tsai](/profile/105588721070332710511@google)**
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